Exercices d’Olympiades

Une liste de sites et de livres pour s’entraîner sur des exercices d’Olympiades (cette liste est reprise et adaptée d’un autre site).

Liste de sites :

  1. http://www.math.duke.edu/education/ccp/index.html
  2. http://mathforum.org/
  3. http://wise.cgu.edu
  4. http://archives.math.utk.edu/visual.calculus/
  5. http://www.history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/mathematics
  6. http://www.ams.org/employment/highschool
  7. http://www.mathworld.wolfram.com
  8. www.mathcounts.org
  9. www.artofproblemsolving.com
  10. www.sitesforteachers.com
  11. lii.org
  12. www.cut-the-knot.org
  13. www.paperfolding.com

Liste de livres :

  1. Klamkin, M.S. U.S.A. Maths Olympiad, 1972 – 1986
  2. Yaglom, I.M. The USSR Olympiad Problem Book (Dover)
  3. Sierpenski W. 250 Problems in Elementary Number Theory (Elsevier)
  4. Niven & Zukerman An Introduction to the theory of Numbers (Wiley)
  5. Coxeter, H.S.M. Geometry Revisited (MAA)
  6. Larson, L.C. Problem Solving through Problems (Springer)
  7. Bottema. O. Geometric Inequalities (MAA)
  8. V. Krishnamoorthy etal. Challenges and thrill of Precollege Mathematics (New Age Publ.)
  9. Pranesachar C.R. Mathematical challenges from Olympiads. (Interline Publ)
  10. Lozansky E., Rousseau, C Winning Solutions (Springer)
  11. M.K. Singal, A.R. Singal Olympiad Mathematics (Pitambar Publ.)
  12. S.A. Katre An excursion in Mathematics
  13. V. Seshan Mastering Olympiad Mathematics (Frank Brothers)
  14. Engel A. Problem Solving Strategies (Springer)
  15. Shirali S. A First steps in Number Theory (Universities Press)
  16. Shirali S.A. Adventures in Problem Solving ,, ,,
  17. Steven G. Krantz Techniques of Problem Solving ,, ,,
  18. Titu Andreescu & Mathematical Olympiad Challenges Razvan Gelca; (Universities Press)
  19. Burton Elementary Number Theory (UBS)
  20. Venkatachala B. J. Functional Equations. A problem solving approach
  21. Durrell C. V. Geometry
  22. Bonnie Averback and Problem solving through recreational Mathematics Oria Chein (Dover)
  23. Alfred Posamentiar Challenging Problems in Geometry (Dover) and Charles T. Salkind
  24. Beiler A.H. Recreations in the theory of numbers (Dover)
  25. A Gardiner The Mathematical Olympiad Hand book OUP (2000)
  26. T. Andreesan Mathematical Olympiad Challenges R. Gelca Birkhauser (2000)
  27. S. Muralidharan Gems from the Mathematics Teacher, AMTI (1997) G.R. Vijayakumar
  28. V.K. Krishnan (Ed.) Non-routine problems in Mathematics, AMTI (2000)
  29. R. Roy Choudhary 501 Difficult problems in Mathematics, BM Pub (2000)
  30. T. Andreescu Mathematical Olympiad Treasures, Birkhauser (2004)
  31. Bernard and Child Higher Algebra (Mc Millan)
  32. Steinhaus One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics (Dover)
  33. Eves H. College Geometry (Narosa) (1995)
  34. Williams K.S.; Hardy, K The red book of mathematical problems (Dover)
  35. I. Reiman International Mathematics Olympiad Vol. I-III (Anthem Press)
  36. Tao T. Solving Mathematical Problems, OUP (2008)
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